• University profile

     University of SUIBE has 2 campuses: The main campus, located in the surroundings (1h30 of transport), and an annex campus, much smaller but much closer to our apartment (one metro stop).We obviously chose to take all of our classes in the annex campus, as you can imagine.


    We took four courses in total: They take place from Monday to Thursday and from 13:30pm to 16pm.

    The first course of the week is Chinese Culture : we look each course at 2 subjects of Chinese culture, for example, we have already studied the different types of tea, Chinese medicine, religion, traditional Chinese festivals ... Our teacher  even taught us Tai Chi!

    On Thursday, we have a course of strategy management, probably the course that I enjoy the most, the teacher is really interesting, we discuss many topics concerning economic news in China, such as Why McDonald's is  less popular than KFC, Why Chevrolet should review its strategy to conquer China ... We have weekly "cases" to prepare at home and then discuss in class, it's very constructive and interesting!

    The course of Wednesday is probably the hardest to follow of all: Supply Chain Management : the course is very interesting but since we have not studied the logistics front, we struggle to understand the specific vocabulary in English. The second difficulty is that we are the youngest students in our class, the majority being already in “Master“, they all have already studied the logistics so the professor goes very quickly.

    The last course of our short week is “How to do business in china“, it is the course with the more students, the course takes place in a conference room and the teacher who teach is a very respected. The course mainly deals with entrepreneurship in China, for a foreigner. This course take a very legal form, with the rights of foreigners who want to start their business in China, the taxes they pay.. It's very interesting but there is a bit too much law.

    In class, we're at maximum forty, but most of the time we are twenty.The atmosphere is pretty good, there are a lot of French and Dutch (they are very noisy, Dutch people..). Other nationalities are American, German, South Corean, Italian ...


    In China, we must know that there are very few "campus life" conversely that in the United States where you can reach a lot of associations, sports teams .. The Chinese people see the University only as a place where you study, nothing more ..

    However, we can deal with outside the campus to do lots of activities ! Sports grounds abound in Shanghai ! I will also publish a little article on sport in Shanghai, soon!

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