
    For this last article on culture in China, I decided to list the most popular customs and traditions in China:


      Social rituals

    In sports terms, martial arts are very important in China because they are the symbol of the perfection of the soul, of self-control, self-defense and health, and represent the sense of Chinese culture. First introduced by the Warriors and adopted by the people, martial arts got richer and more complex to achieve such varied techniques it is almost impossible to master all of them!


    Social rituals

    The fine arts also have a vital function in society, especially the art of calligraphy. With music, poetry and painting, calligraphy is a major arts need to master to be a "real" Chinese ☺!

    This writing is a true painting done in pen which gives a very fine result.
    Calligraphy is often linked to the silk painting, other noble art of China.








    Music also has great significance in China even though it divides the population into two: the scholars on one side and the purely popular of the other: the first is always played sitting with one instrument and listen is a moment of great communion while the other part of the folklore: it is played by an orchestra standing and pace especially weddings, funerals, new year, shows ... it is always accompanied by lion dances and dragon!


    Social rituals

    Chinese gardens are another art that must be taken extremely seriously. The Chinese have fun reproducing miniature landscapes close to their heart and which symbolize their philosophy and vision of classical China. Imperial gardens in actual size also exist everywhere in the country (especially in large cities) and allow to pass a "zen" moment to commune away from the noise of the city.





    Games of all kinds are also popular Chinese. They spend a lot of time to practice chess, card games, dominoes and even play the lottery. The fighting crickets and rooster is one of their favorite entertainment!
    In the park near us, there is almost no Chinese adults who play chess as kids having fun!


    Religion is complex in China but an integral part of the country.
    Philosophies, lifestyles, beliefs and popular religious movements mingle constantly but three doctrines have their full place in the country: Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Besides that, a symbol is important in China since ancient times: the Yin and Yang. The first symbolizes the woman and night while the second would represent the man, light and heat. It is said that these two principles govern the order of the universe and that although opposed, they complement and participate together in the running of the world.

    There is still a wealth of customs and traditions has developed so china is a diverse country with many ethnic groups and as much particuliarities, but I preferred to concentrate on the main .. Especially if I had to explain all customs, it probably would take me more than 5 months in China!

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  • Local news storyChina Sea in Conflict
    The tension is more alive than ever in the South China Sea between the two world powers. These tensions are due to maritime disputes in the China Sea that oppose China to its Southeast Asian neighbors and that poison the entire region including the Philippines who took the Permanent International Court of Arbitration in The Hague.
    In this context, Beijing and Washington have accused each Sunday in "provocations" in these territorial disputes in the South China Sea, where the Chinese government conducts important backfilling operations.
    Beijing claims in fact almost all of the South China Sea. She has undertaken infrastructure work and remblaiements on islands whose ownership is disputed, angering riparian States: Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia. But China also faces the United States, for which Asia Pacific is a diplomatic priority and defending freedom of navigation in these strategic waters for world trade and repeated that freedom of navigation should prevail in these strategic waters, home of freight transport and hydrocarbons.
    Washington believes that the sovereignty disputes must be resolved through diplomacy, not by the policy of China. The US has even sent in recent months warships to nearby islands controlled by Beijing. To be continued ... carefully.

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  • Geopolitic

    Presentation of government:

    The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the country's ruling party. The current president is Xi Jinping. There is no real opposition and dissidents are Strongly discouraged, making the extent of the holder of the population to the government difficulty to measure.

    In People's Republic of China (PRC) The power is divided entre three bodies:

    The ANP, the Judiciary and the council of state affairs.

    The PRC is defined as "a socialist state of people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and Peasants".

    The Chinese Communist Party Marxism-Leninism officiellement cited as a reference ideology of State.

    ALTHOUGH the constitution of the People's Republic of China guarantees must freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, freedom of the press, the right to follow a religion and the right to vote, in reality censorship is pervasive. ALTHOUGH the people-have the right to protest, any Organized Quickly demonstration is suppressed. Organized opposition to the single party is not tolerated. Concerns Often-have-been raised by the international community on human rights in China, with registered Many abuses. China Has the number of executions in the penalty Highest capital in the world, with Nearly 90% of convictions in the world in 2004.


    Regional political position

    Shanghai HAS an ever increasingly important role in Chinese politics and Politicians Many native of the city occupy significant positions in the government in Beijing.


    External conflict:

    Relations with Japan due to difficulties REMAIN The Refusal of Japan, in Chinese eyes, to Appropriately Recognize the atrocities Committed During the Second World War. Reviews This was amplified by repeated visits by Japanese Officials to Yasukani memorial built in memory of Thousands of war criminals from World War II.


    Internal conflict

    Corruption is more than ever a major concern in China long before the decline in wage inequality, selon a recent survey.

    This phenomenon is rooted in China, Where It dates back to the mandarins. The middle classes Were the first to demand strong actions and spectacular anti-corruption Measures. This is what the current president Xi made. Never anti-corruption campaign year HAD beens Conducted with equal vigor, if not ferocity. It attacks the tigers, goal aussi flies, That Is to say to The Powerful as small. In the Line of Fire: Officials, Party members, the military. Incidentally, of course, it allows Xi Jinping Eliminate Some Opponents, Including, Recently, the train security chief, Zhou Yongkang (currently in prison). The battle contre corruption HAS Certainly Become an affair of state.


    Countless HAS corruption generated defects, excess Often Unnecessary investments like the ghost towns, poor quality of food, the non-compliance with environmental regulations, etc. Aim She Was Greatly Facilitated by Decentralization and the emergence of strong regional autorités.


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    Doing business in China: Cultural difference to watch entre China and the West:

     Free subjectFor Western businesses, doing business in China requires careful navigation of the cultural differences, what are the goal difference hands? Such differences Why Are They needed to know?

    China is the Largest in the world and export Provides Many Western businesses crucial intermediate goods and services at low costs. Chinese businesses are big importers of Western aussi intermediate goods and services.

    Doing business in China, Including traveling to China and meeting with Chinese businesspeople is Becoming increasingly unavoidable for more and more businesses of Western size.

    Dealing successfully with Chinese businesses, it demands an appreciation of the Culture of China, in Both the social and business settings. At the very least, the western enterpreneur shoulds make the efforts to Understand and respect the Chinese approach to business matters.

    That's why I've choose this subject that's concerned me, Especially Because I live in a Western country and I'm perform trade study.

    I choose to start this check by comparing the differences hands entre Chinese and Western business:



    The first particularity of Chinese business culture, is the importance of Mianzi, the fact to not "losing face":

     Chinese Culture is non-confrontational. In Chinese business culture, personal embarrasment is taken very gravement Producing overt conflicts and situations That embarrass others is regarded losing face.

    Once people lose face, Doing Business with Each Other May be very difficulty.

    Aim to Avoid losing face, Chinese businesspeople will not overtly show Their disagreement or displeasure; INSTEAD, They Will Indirectly express Such feelings, for example by using words like "maybe" or "we will see".

    Aim it can be hard for Western business people to read thesis indirect messages Because westerners tend to be outspoken In Their opinions Regarding major business decisions and job performance.

    We (Western people) shoulds aussi AVOID losing our temper and Chinese businesspeople is pressing issues-have shown reluctance in They Giving a definitive answer to. It is very typical of French culture, Especially, to-have quick answers ..

    The patience

    In Chinese business culture, Patience est related to losing face, Because losing one's patience, because Could one's Chinese counterpart to lose face.

    The Chinese, moreover, are reluctant to do business with people They Do not feel comfortable with. They usually prefer to begin a business meeting, Especially if meeting someone for the first time, With Some pleasant small talk. May it take more than one meeting Before They are willing to begin serious, detailed negotiations.

    In France, first time-even if meeting are pleasant Often, Quickly the conversation goes on a business way. French people Does not like loosing time and are Sometimes a bit impatient, so t can be a big problem for the business relationship with chinese people.

    The explanation of this "patience" in China is Chinese Because organisms can be bureaucratic and hierarchical. It simply takes a while for senior executives to reach a decision and the decision maker-even May not be present at initial meetings.

    But some Chinese businesspeople with experience in dealing in Westerners purposely stretch out negotiations, Knowing That Their Counterparts will wait Often offer concessions in order to speed up the process.

    Group mentality

    Chinese people are highly self motivated, They Are Often expected to to take lots of management and percieve Themselves as significant through a cooperative force.

    In contrast, Western culture, Heavily Promotes the ideal of the individual. To excel in business one must strive to stand out distinctly from the group. Employees are Encouraged to propose radical ideas for improvement and be self-starters motivated by the prospect of individual recognition.


    Free subject

    Translated from Mandarin as "connections", Describes the Guanxi network of professional relationships based on mutual respect. While a business network is a great asset for Westerners too, the guanxi is absolutely essential in the competitive Chinese job market, Because When one HAS successfully built with guanxi Reviews another, he will be quick to do a favor and act on Behalf Reviews another's. Aim this arrangement is a two-way street, Meaning That Both sides can expect Such favors.

    The need to Introduce and market oneself to professionals in social settings is a deeply entrenched tradition Appropriate. In this case, we Being Good terms with the right people is really significant: Those up the corporate ladder can put in a good word That Makes all the difference. Professional relationships are Carefully cultivated with the expectation That They Will Be Mutually beneficial in the long term.

    Often misunderstood, this concept is crucial in Chinese business culture, and naturally it takes time for the parts build guanxi. Not surprisingly, the process for Chinese business people to trust a foreigner and Develop Often guanxi can take up to 1-2 years.

    This is why Many Western abandon doing business in China for fear of "waste time" in HAVING to build guanxi Their Own Their Directly INSTEAD of starting business.


    Rank and Hierarchy

    In china, rank and hierarchy is significant year appearance That One Must Understand to do business in China. Culturally, social hierarchy is Largely Determined by seniority and job position, Meaning That respect must be allotted selon how high the person is on the ladder.

    For instance, toasts must always be made first by The Highest ranking person, and it is expected aussi That in business meetings, companies must send a delegation with an equal rank During meetings and negotiations. The Therefore, if a vice president of a Chinese company Were present at a meeting, it Would Be That was expected Vice President or an equivalent person from the opposite company to expect. Should this be forgone, the Chinese will take great offense and the relationship will be terminated Almost Certainly.

    There est aussi year Elaborate seating arrangement for a Chinese business meal. There are fixed seating positions for the host and the guest And Then They Are seated again selon seniority. This is a very important aspect of a formal dinner and it is significant to follow the rules accordingly.

    Whereas in Western countries, are less formal relationship, a high ranking person can Easily the Chat with a person with a lower ranking.


    Business Relationship

    Chinese business relationship Inevitably Becomes a social relationship after-a while. Unlike Western business relationship remains professional and qui Perhaps, aloof, long time-even after-a, Chinese business relationship Becomes a social one.

    The more you share your personal life, Including family, hobbies, political views, aspirations, the closer you are in your business relationship. Three-quarters of business deals are sealed outside of working hours!

    Sometimes, a lot of time is Spent discussing matters outside of business, purpose Then a lot of time, l'autre est party making up His Mind about your deal based on how much he Sees your personal relationship with _him_.


    Personal opinion


    The Chinese are a proud nation. Many business deals fail at the outset due to Fundamental Misunderstandings. The toughest part of understanding a people is to Understand Their ethics, values, etiquette and protocol. As outsiders, we miss the very subtle nuances operating Within a cultural and Often we do not Clearly Understand what influences and drives a successful business relationship.

    May it be argued That There is an obligation on the Chinese business person to adapted to western ways. But i twill not happend soon.

    We face a straightforward choice. Do it the Chinese way or Be Prepared for delays, Disappointments, Misunderstandings and, worst of all, mistrust.

    Both aim this goes way, for example, I was very surprised last week When the manager of a gym Asked me if I was poor or rich, Because in France it's very frowned to talk about the money you have. So this position put me off the first time, order now, I Know That it's not impolite from a chinese People to Say That, it's just another culture, and we-have to respect that!

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  •  University of SUIBE has 2 campuses: The main campus, located in the surroundings (1h30 of transport), and an annex campus, much smaller but much closer to our apartment (one metro stop).We obviously chose to take all of our classes in the annex campus, as you can imagine.


    We took four courses in total: They take place from Monday to Thursday and from 13:30pm to 16pm.

    The first course of the week is Chinese Culture : we look each course at 2 subjects of Chinese culture, for example, we have already studied the different types of tea, Chinese medicine, religion, traditional Chinese festivals ... Our teacher  even taught us Tai Chi!

    On Thursday, we have a course of strategy management, probably the course that I enjoy the most, the teacher is really interesting, we discuss many topics concerning economic news in China, such as Why McDonald's is  less popular than KFC, Why Chevrolet should review its strategy to conquer China ... We have weekly "cases" to prepare at home and then discuss in class, it's very constructive and interesting!

    The course of Wednesday is probably the hardest to follow of all: Supply Chain Management : the course is very interesting but since we have not studied the logistics front, we struggle to understand the specific vocabulary in English. The second difficulty is that we are the youngest students in our class, the majority being already in “Master“, they all have already studied the logistics so the professor goes very quickly.

    The last course of our short week is “How to do business in china“, it is the course with the more students, the course takes place in a conference room and the teacher who teach is a very respected. The course mainly deals with entrepreneurship in China, for a foreigner. This course take a very legal form, with the rights of foreigners who want to start their business in China, the taxes they pay.. It's very interesting but there is a bit too much law.

    In class, we're at maximum forty, but most of the time we are twenty.The atmosphere is pretty good, there are a lot of French and Dutch (they are very noisy, Dutch people..). Other nationalities are American, German, South Corean, Italian ...


    In China, we must know that there are very few "campus life" conversely that in the United States where you can reach a lot of associations, sports teams .. The Chinese people see the University only as a place where you study, nothing more ..

    However, we can deal with outside the campus to do lots of activities ! Sports grounds abound in Shanghai ! I will also publish a little article on sport in Shanghai, soon!

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